I invite you to experience Good Friday. It is my least favorite service of the year. It makes me uncomfortable.
Despite having running water, zippo lighters and smart phones, I have the sinking feeling that we would make the same mistakes now and treat Jesus no differently than he was treated over 2000 years ago.
We would be befuddled and bewildered as were the disciples though they had spent three years eating and healing and teaching with him. They didn’t understand. I don’t think we would do any better. It makes me uncomfortable.
It seems that there should have been some way for God to get their attention without Jesus suffering as he did. What does it take for God to get our attention? Perhaps, it is experiencing Good Friday, even when it makes us uncomfortable.
I don’t like to even think about torture and crucifixion. It makes me uncomfortable. And yet, I need to understand that without that sacrifice there would be no crown. Without the crown, where would be love, mercy and grace.
I need to accept that the suffering of Jesus was necessary then to work out God’s plan for salvation. I need to experience some small taste of it to be truly grateful for God’s love, mercy and grace. On occasion, that makes me uncomfortable, too, but ever so thankful.